Not Possible: 8 Reasons an SEO Agency is Better Than a Delicious, Frosty Beer.

By Andrew Brightly

#1: Get you customers. Simply put, if youre more visible on the internet, more people will come to your website, and more of them will turn into customers. Its a fundamental rule of marketing. Without visitors on your site, theres no way youll make money online " with a good SEO agency, the reverse is nearly always true.

#2: Build a proper site. If youve got a pre-existing website that isnt working for you, your SEO company should be able to help. Some design firms still charge huge amounts of money for a site, despite the fact that content management systems are free and extremely easy-to-setup these days. A proper agency will expertly refresh (or redesign) your entire site, and often do it for minimal cost if you agree to become a long-term client.

#3: Write. Without well-written landing pages, clean, easy-to-read website content, and articles in your niche, youll have a tough go of things online. A great SEO partner will provide great writers who can produce content quickly and properly " once you have keyword-driven content, your rankings will shoot up.

#4: Bring out your best. One of the most important points about SEO is developing a strong working relationship with your agency. Just like with any marketing rapport, its important to have a mutual understanding on both sides of what each team member can do. The people doing your marketing work need to understand where you shine, so they can highlight those crucial points.

#5: Hit your milestones. While making specific promises about search engine rankings is dangerous, hitting specific business targets is not " in fact, thats exactly what SEO is all about. A good SEO agency will discuss your business goals with you and make sure youre always on track to reach them, adjusting the SEO efforts in that direction all the while.

#6: Go international. Localized search isnt perfect, and thats ok " part of the magic of the internet is how many visitors your site can get from abroad. But if theres a chance they can be converted into customers, is your site doing everything necessary to get them? For global business, you need a partner who knows how to get outside of just your country, and good SEO can do that.

#7: Understand your customers. Sophisticated tracking is now standard with all web design. First, your SEO experts absolutely have to be using analytics software, and should always be giving you reports " on a regular basis " that tell you everything you need to know. But second, great SEO should deal directly with the kinds of visitors and customers you are getting. This is about growing your business, and a professional agency should already know that.

#8: Get you sales. Every single concept and innovative technique in the SEO world is only relevant if it does one thing " increases your business. Otherwise, there is simply no point in the process at all. This is the final goal of signing up for search engine optimization and PPC management in the first place, and your SEO agency should never forget it. - 26221

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