Marketing for Technology Companies in an Economic Downturn

By Virginia Hatstand

The director of today's small to mediums sized technology businesses are struggling to find ways of coping with the drastic shifts in the economic and commercial climate. There is talk of dwindling profits and cutbacks everywhere we turn and the media love to lap up all this worry.

In an economic downturn such as this one, many companies will fall behind and many will fail, but there are always those that beat the odds and come out triumphant.

The companies who will survive and thrive in the economic downturn are the ones that maintain a positive attitude and do not allow themselves to become absorbed in all the medias negativity.

There are opportunities to be had in a recession, it is not completely negative. From what was clearly apparent in the recession of 1991, those business who continue to effectively market themselves and advertise their business will be the ones that come out on top for the following years.

Winning Strategies for Success:

The following strategies have been taken from 30 years worth of experience in the technology field and will help your business to rise above the competition at the other end of this recession.

Seek guaranteed survival strategies.

Find guaranteed ways to boost your sales.

Draw experienced Non-Executive Directors onto your team.

Prevent your competition from taking over your customer base.

The Entrepreneurs Manifesto: - Britain currently faces one of its toughest tasks in many years. It has to produce enough wealth to provide the government with enough money to pay off their large recessionary debt.

Technology businesses on the whole are not differentiated by their software, solutions or any type of product in the consumers mind, but by their people and how competent, helpful and valuable they deem those people to be.

In the minds of the consumer, most technology companies are almost grouped together as they tend to release similar products. Once one company has made the technological advancement, it wont be long before they are all selling it. For this reason, value for the customer lies not in what the product does, because they could get a similar product from many different places, but in the value you can offer them outside the inherent features of the product. - 26221

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