How could a training course really bundle all of the value for such a low cost and also not request a monthly fee? Isn't there an on going price to run the changes and tracking for your prospects? Can Mike Dillard's Magnetic Sponsoring program really succeed?
I have the answer to why this training course gives so much content for so minimal. To "Give before want" is what it is called.
One of the main training of the program is to share and give without want. Display that you can help distributors without wanting getting something back. This totally shook my world. Contents in this course actually teaches their people to give to others needing assistance. Give knowledge and grow people before looking to make a sale. Distributors are not bags of money.
Magnetic Sponsoring really opened up my eyes and didn't really take hold until I finished the course 2 days after getting print out.
So of course the big question is: Does it perform? I can respond only to this by saying:
Why maybe? Well, I would like to relate this to someone buying a sports car. The sports vehicle is capable of high speeds and a fun ride. Put this in the hands of someone who can't drive or drives 20 mph under the limit really puts things into perspective.
The true indicator of a person being able to succeed using Magnetic Sponsoring system falls entirely on his or her own shoulders. A true distributor of the course will continue to grow.
A true student of Mike Dillard's Magnetic Sponsoring program will absorb the need to transform into the Leader. In doing so, the real student realizes the entire teaching of attraction marketing is to position them for success which means the STUDENT MUST be the PRIMARY contact. Only until all traffic are 1st placed into to the student will there be true branding. If all the prospects goes to the Magnetic Sponsoring squeeze page where does that leave the student?
Still a student of course.
Transform into a ... LEADER!
Learn from the free seven day video boot camp course. Go head first into the printed booklet. Learn the additional information in the backoffice like How select a Domain Name - MLM Domain Secrets Ebook.
To take it up a notch the student should build their OWN attraction marketing system and there is only 1 self branded marketing system based on Magnetic Sponsoring. - 26221
I have the answer to why this training course gives so much content for so minimal. To "Give before want" is what it is called.
One of the main training of the program is to share and give without want. Display that you can help distributors without wanting getting something back. This totally shook my world. Contents in this course actually teaches their people to give to others needing assistance. Give knowledge and grow people before looking to make a sale. Distributors are not bags of money.
Magnetic Sponsoring really opened up my eyes and didn't really take hold until I finished the course 2 days after getting print out.
So of course the big question is: Does it perform? I can respond only to this by saying:
Why maybe? Well, I would like to relate this to someone buying a sports car. The sports vehicle is capable of high speeds and a fun ride. Put this in the hands of someone who can't drive or drives 20 mph under the limit really puts things into perspective.
The true indicator of a person being able to succeed using Magnetic Sponsoring system falls entirely on his or her own shoulders. A true distributor of the course will continue to grow.
A true student of Mike Dillard's Magnetic Sponsoring program will absorb the need to transform into the Leader. In doing so, the real student realizes the entire teaching of attraction marketing is to position them for success which means the STUDENT MUST be the PRIMARY contact. Only until all traffic are 1st placed into to the student will there be true branding. If all the prospects goes to the Magnetic Sponsoring squeeze page where does that leave the student?
Still a student of course.
Transform into a ... LEADER!
Learn from the free seven day video boot camp course. Go head first into the printed booklet. Learn the additional information in the backoffice like How select a Domain Name - MLM Domain Secrets Ebook.
To take it up a notch the student should build their OWN attraction marketing system and there is only 1 self branded marketing system based on Magnetic Sponsoring. - 26221
About the Author:
Lawrence Tam the MLM Engineer trains network marketers on correctly marketing their business online. There is no need to chase friends and family when you have good online marketing skills. Get your free marketing training at: Magnetic Sponsoring Confusion?
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